baru2 ni ade la kawan2 aku yg mintak advice psl cinta...mwahaha
sane sini owg mintk nsehat aku...
ade tu dtg dari kolej laen tok jumpe aku semate2 nk mintk pndpt..agagaga..
x tawu la plak kalo muke aku ni ade rupe Dr Love..bpk pwasan..
whatever la asalkan bkn rupe Dr Rozmey sudah..
so,post aku kali ini special utk kawan2 aku yg dlm hatinye ade tmn bunge..
better for me to not mention their names..
but post ni jgk sbgai tips utk aku di mase akan dtg..yeah!!!keep on searching wawa!hahaha
i know u guys msti mengelabah bile nk bjumpe si die..especially kawan aku yg sorg ni..ngeeee
so aku bt la pahala sket bulan2 pose ni dgn search kt tenet psl tips2 dgn si die..
xpe2.x susah pon..
skunk ni kan sumenye maen teeeet teeet je..maklumat di hujg jari..so xde hal la!
copy paste je pon..
Follow the steps to avoid awkward silence during the conversation,
1)Read a newspaper, magazine, or news sites daily to stay informed about world events that you can talk about with all kinds of people.(hahaha..x bole aku byg kan korg ckp psl hal negare dgn bf korg)
2)Talk about what he enjoys.
3)Ask him to play a game.(game cap kalicap pon boley)
4)Sometimes, when you run out of things to say, you dont need words anymore and it could be time for a kiss...(makk aii..nnt dlu..baru lg..buln pose la..ekekekeeke)
5)Let him have a turn to talk. Don't always talk about yourself.
6)Ask questions about his life and his passions.
7)Ask how his day went. If he says good or bad, ask "In what way?"
8)Tell him how much you love him (and why you love him), but not to the point that he'll get annoyed.(x boley bla la yg ni...)
9)Ask him to tell you something about himself he's never told you before such as his favorite sports, his hobbies, siblings, pets, etc.
10)Talk about his hobbies. For example, you might say, "Did you get new trucks for your skateboard? They look really nice!"
11)Tease him in a fun and loving way, but don't be mean. (kutok je die...mati ko,mati ko!hahaha)
12)Compliment his clothing, hair, car, etc.(kalo x de rmbut pon ckp ade)
13)Ask about and show an interest in his friends. Don't criticize them.
14)If you've been with your boyfriend for over 2 years, tell him how much you really love him.
15)Seek his biggest dreams
p/s:ape2 pon be urself..im happy as long as you're happy..walaupon bnde ni x tolg byk tp....
Break a leg!!!!