huh?sounds sarcastic.
but i have to be professional but how???
aku da bt segala2nye utk menjadi skema tp still x ckop lg.
kalo dlu pegi kelas pakai tshirt dgn cardigan pastu sarong je sandal.
tp sekarang baju berkolar kasot bertutop da aku pakai..but still x ckop skema lg.
adoiyai..die nk aku pakai jubah ke pegi kelas??
i hate aktiviti2 memoyokan diri yg kononnye utk tingkat kan KI not me!!!pretend suke but actually i don't..ouh to be precise i won't!!
sometimes life is unfair..why my tiny enjoyable world suddenly changes and become too skema??why?
mybe i'm not ready yet or mybe i'm taking the wrong course..sigh~
is that necessary to be professional for this course?xde ke yg mcm aku?yg so so,retarded and sewaktu dgnnya.
and i just realized that spesies aku da pupus!!!
yang tinggal hanyela aku dan yan.
omg,why everyone started to do revision?it's our 1st class for this sem lorr..chill la all bt i rase mcm pmls gler.
i wonder how they manage their life..diorang enjoy ke dgn life dorg tu?
hoho..let it be la..i have my own questions waiting to be answered such as
am i taking the right path?huhuhhu..dunno...